All Features
Post Categories
Use the categories module to display post categories in a nicer way than the default category widget included with WordPress. Although post categories don’t have images like product categories do, this module allows you to enable images for post categories if needed.
Post Carousel
The posts carousel is great for displaying the latest posts overall or from a certain particular category. Limit items in a slider to only a few e.g. this example only shows the latest 5 posts. Main or custom query are both available for this layout.
Magazine Tiles
Magazine content tiles are good for image-focused posts with high quality and text-free featured images. This can be used on an archive page with main query, or on a static page with custom query to display the latest posts overall or from a certain particular category.
Numbers & Progress
Number Sections and Progress Bars serve as interactive ways to display progress statistics pertaining to a subject, product or project on the site.
Logo Grid
Use this module to display logos for featured brands, partners or sponsors. You can choose to place them in a grid layout or as a slider, and customize their behavior.
Instagram Social Feed
These modules allow you to seamlessly integrate feeds from your accounts on common social media platforms with your site. Customization Available: Feed with custom effects, feed with profile link, feed carousel
Interactive Callouts
Its always nice when the content in a callout is relatively similar in character length, however, sometimes it can be hard to ensure that. Interactive callouts like flip-boxes and slide-boxes can help solve this problem. Just be careful to use these as accents with links to read more on another page – never put too much content in these.
The info list is an extremely versatile module that can be used for a variety of text organization purposes. Its best used when list items need different images/icons, a specific layout for desktop versus mobile screens, and a link or description attached to each list item.
The icon number list is a simple module to help list out bullet items in a more interactive and appealing way. A singular icon can be used as the “bullet” for an unordered list OR a number sequence can be applied to an ordered list. If a different icon or image needs to be applied to each list item, use the info list module instead.
Gravity Form
PowerPack Gravity Form and UABB Gravity Form Styler are modules used to adjust the label color, the input fields, and the button style. Each module allows for a very dynamic contact form with customizable style options. Two ways the form can be styled are shown below.
Hotspot provides you with the ability to mark your image with either text, an icon, or an image, allowing you to link or tool-tip specific spots!
Customization Available: Marker Type: Icon, image, text | Animation: Pulse/rippling effect on hover OR no animation | Action: Tooltip on hover, tooltip on click OR Link | Tooltip Content Section: text, image, shortcode & basic HTML only.
Featured Products
Modules for displaying featured, latest or top selling products on a page in the form of a grid or a slider.
Facebook Timeline & Embeds
These modules allow you to seamlessly integrate feeds from your accounts on common social media platforms with your site. Customization Available: Page feed, embed posts, comment feature, like / share / recommend buttons