All Features
Layouts used for testimonials or customer feedback.
Use tabs as an interactive way to avoid scrolling over items that you don’t need everyone to see. Allow visitors to create their own site experience by concentrating their focus on items they choose to click on.
Table of Contents
Layout template option ideal for documentation-like posts with lots of information, that would benefit from a sidebar with smooth scrolling anchored content links.
Social Share Buttons
An easy-to-use module with a large selection of social icons and custom styling options.
Star Rating
Rate content anywhere on your website using the Star Rating module. These are not tied to Google or Yelp, they are on your site directly.
Social Follow Icons
An easy-to-use module with a large selection of social icons and custom styling options.
Responsive Table
Use this table module to place data in a more appealing manner with customizable styling. The table module is highly responsive, as it realigns its content to work on all screen sizes.
Sortable Table: Add sorting/no sorting | Scrollable Table: Scroll on breakpoint/no scroll | Alignment: Left, center, right
Product List
WooCommerce module for displaying products on a page, modified into a list format.
Post Slider
The posts slider is great for displaying the latest posts overall or from a certain particular category. Limit items in a slider to only a few e.g. this example only shows the latest 5 posts. Main or custom query are both available for this layout.
Product Grid
Default WooCommerce module for displaying products on a page.
Product Categories
Layout options to display product categories as call-outs on a page, in the form of a grid or slider.
Post Grid
Module for displaying posts in a grid on a page. Post module options: Multi-column grid format, masonry stacking, extra styling options