All Features
Customizer for WooCommerce
The Customizer for WooCommerce plugin provides a settings page where you can add your customizations and save them without needing to write any code or modify any templates, which is helpful for quick change testing.
This Plugin does not adjust Booking Products Add to Cart buttons.
WooCommerce Bookings
This powerful extension allows you to sell time or date-based bookings, adding a new product type to your WooCommerce site. Perfect for those wanting to offer appointments, services or rentals.
Important Note: This plugin cannot be active on a site with Bookly also active. The calendar formatting will break causing the bookings to not function as expected. Please only use one of these booking plugins for your booking functionality.
Webhooks Add-On
This feature has been retired and will no longer be supported. Please do not install or add to any sites.
WooCommerce Custom Product Tabs Lite
NOTE: This plugin has been retired from the WDS offerings and replaced by Tab Manager. The customer account will need to be upgraded to Managed WooCommerce to get this functionality.
Video Conferencing with Zoom
Integrate Zoom Meetings and Webinars onto your WordPress site. Users can join via the Zoom app or straight from the web browser.
Note: Customer must use their own Zoom account. We will not provide an account for them.
Variation Swatches and Photos
Using color and image swatches provides a much nicer way to display variations of a product, available styles, available sizes, or pretty much anything else you can display using an image or color.
User Role Editor
User Role Editor WordPress plugin allows you to change user roles and capabilities easily.
Twilio SMS Add-On
With the Twilio Add-On you can make text message notifications a part of your form notification process by integrating with the Twilio SMS service. Get notified via a customizable SMS text message as soon as a form is submitted, or a payment is received via an order form.
User Registration Add-On
The User Registration Add-On for Gravity Forms makes registering users, creating login forms, and even setting custom user meta a breeze.
Translate WordPress
The Translate WordPress with GTranslate plugin uses Google Translate's automatic translation service to translate WordPress sites with Google power and make it multilingual.
Trello Add-On
Stay organized and integrate Gravity Forms with Trello. Automatically create Trello Cards and Assign Members and Labels when a form is submitted.
The Events Calendar
Easily create and manage in-person or virtual events on your website with The Events Calendar.