
Account SID, Auth Token, Test Account SID, and Test Auth Token. This is obtained from Twilio.

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Safe to use. May cause a minor drop in performance.


With the Twilio Add-On you can make text message notifications a part of your form notification process by integrating with the Twilio SMS service. Get notified via a customizable SMS text message as soon as a form is submitted, or a payment is received via an order form.

Seamless Integration

Automatically send an SMS (text message) notification when a form is submitted.


Control the message that is sent via SMS (text message) and easily output form field merge codes within the SMS message.

URL Shortener

Integrates with the Bitly API to automatically shorten links sent in your SMS message.

PayPal Integration

Integrate with the PayPal Add-On to only send an SMS (text message) notification after payment has been confirmed.


Details & Setup


Supported Plan(s):



Related Features:

Supported Feature requests require a PDF Worksheet be generated using the Functionality Form, and the PDF Worksheet must be added to the project.

Functionality Path:
Premium>Forms>SMS Integration>Twilio Integration