The features in this category are a part of all Premium Site plan types.
(Premium Site plans include all cORe, Starter, Standard , and Premium features)
Restaurant Reservations
Accept reservations and table bookings online. Quickly confirm or reject restaurant reservations, send out custom email notifications, restrict booking times and more. Simple table reservations for site visitors - payments not possible.
Manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This can help reduce errors and improve your site ranking.
Quiz Add-On
The Gravity Forms Quiz Add-On allows you to quickly create Quizzes that are automatically graded or scored when the form is submitted.
Postmark Add-On
The Gravity Forms Postmark Add-On enables you to send your form notifications via the Postmark email service as well as take advantage of additional email features within Postmark, including the ability to track form notification data, such as if a notification has been opened.
Polls Add-On
The Gravity Forms Polls Add-On allows you to add a poll to your website, capture responses, and display the results of the poll after a form is submitted.
Post Types Order
Reorder posts for any custom post types you define, including the default Posts. Also you can display the posts within admin interface sorted per your new sort.
Optima Express IDX Plugin
Optima Express IDX Plugin has been closed as of October 28, 2024 and is not available for download, per WordPress plugin page docs.
Password Protected
A very simple way to quickly password protect your WordPress site with a single password.
Pipe Video Recording Add-On
Record and capture videos as a form field with Gravity Forms and integration with the Pipe Video Recording Platform. Pipe handles video recording from desktop and mobile devices, all the different file formats, and ensures secure storage & delivery.
Partial Entries Add-On
With the Gravity Forms Partial Entries Add-On, you can easily capture partial entries from your forms, and view the information submitted, helping you to recover the details of potential leads and future customers.
Nav Menu Roles
Nav Menu Roles lets you hide custom menu items based on user roles.
Member Roles & Access
Members is a roles and capabilities-based membership plugin. It gives users the ability to add roles and allows you to set permissions to restrict content on your site.