
The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.

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Safe to use. May cause a minor drop in performance.
Support Scope:

Supported – Installation, troubleshooting and, technical support IS provided.

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With WooCommerce Pre-Orders you can sell pre-orders for products and services in your WooCommerce store. Automatically or manually release and fill orders when they are ready

Pre-Orders can be charged upfront or when the pre-order is available by setting an optional date and time when the pre-order will be available.

When to Use Pre-Orders

Use WooCommerce Pre-Orders if you need a way to sell pre-orders (either charged upfront or when the pre-order is available) for products and services in with WooCommerce.

Pre-Orders is only available on plans that are on Managed WooCommerce.

Details & Setup

Support & Requirements

Support Scope:

We will install, activate, and configure settings based on the generated PDF worksheet.

Requirements for Setup:

The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.


Pre-Orders is part of Managed WooCommerce and is installed and activated from WooCommerce Extensions in the WordPress dashboard.

Dashboard > WooCommerce > Extensions > Pre-Orders (Install/Activate)

Not seeing the WooCommerce Extensions?

  • Website Specialists - please follow these steps
  • Builders - please open a TC for further assistance

Functionality Path:


Support Scope:

Supported Plan(s):



Related Features:

Supported Feature requests require a PDF Worksheet be generated using the Functionality Form, and the PDF Worksheet must be added to the project.

Functionality Path: