The reCaptcha for WooCommerce plugin provides an all-in-one captcha for WooCommerce as well as WordPress. The settings allow you to turn the captcha on or off on required places through the site. This plugin is highly built on WooCommerce as well as WordPress standard so that it will not break your site in any way.
NOTE: The customer must generate the site and secret keys for this to work correctly. Please visit the documentation for more info on generating the keys:
or go to
If the site is on a temporary domain, the customer should wait to generate the keys until after the site is on the live domain.
If you are trying to add a captcha to a gravity form, you do not need this plugin. You simply need to get the keys from the customer and submit a ticket with the contact form information.
When to Use reCaptcha for WooCommerce
If you need added security against bots attacking your woocommerce site.
Details & Setup
Support & Requirements
Support Scope:
We will install, activate, and configure settings based on the generated PDF worksheet.
Requirements for Setup:
The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.
Customer will have to provide the site and secret key associated with the live domain:
More information: Click Here
Go to: GD Core > Plugins > reCaptcha for WooCommerce > install
Functionality Path:
WooCommerce>Store Management>Security>reCAPTCHA
Reference the link(s) below for how to setup reCaptcha for WooCommerce:
Supported Plan(s):
Related Features:
Supported Feature requests require a PDF Worksheet be generated using the Functionality Form, and the PDF Worksheet must be added to the project.