
The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.

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Safe to use, minimal impact on site performance.
Support Scope:

Supported – Installation, troubleshooting and, technical support IS provided.

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Previously known as “WooCustomizer”, the StoreCustomizer plugin allows you to edit the WooCommerce store and product pages, cart and checkout pages, as well as your user account page. With all the settings built into the WordPress Customizer, you are able to customize WooCommerce visually in the live environment of the WP Customizer, and are able to see your changes happen as you edit WooCommerce settings.

NOTE: StoreCustomizer DOES NOT override the WooCommerce templates, the plugin simply adds extra design options and advanced shop functionality to your existing WooCommerce pages which are designed by the theme you are using.

When to Use StoreCustomizer – WooCommerce plugin to Customize all WooCommerce Pages

Use this plugin when you need to customize the my account, cart, or checkout pages in WooCommerce.

Details & Setup

Support & Requirements

Support Scope:

We will install, activate, and configure settings based on the generated PDF worksheet.

Requirements for Setup:

The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.


Go to plugins > add new > search for “StoreCustomizer”
Install and Activate the plugin

Functionality Path:

WooCommerce>Cart and Checkout>Store Customization>Customize Cart, Checkout, My Account, and Shop

Support Scope:

Supported Plan(s):



Related Features:

Supported Feature requests require a PDF Worksheet be generated using the Functionality Form, and the PDF Worksheet must be added to the project.

Functionality Path:
WooCommerce>Cart and Checkout>Store Customization>Customize Cart, Checkout, My Account, and Shop