All Features
Bambora Gateway
The Build team does not add, adjust or make changes to payment, shipping and tax functionalities. Please review the Woo Payments, Shipping & Taxes – Set up guide for further information.
Smart Coupons
Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift certificates, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers. The plugin allows customers to buy credits for themselves or gift them to others.
WP Affiliates Manager
Running your WordPress site with an e-Commerce plugin or solution? WP Affiliate Manager can help you manage an affiliate marketing program to drive more traffic and more sales to your store.
Email Subscribe Forms
Allow people to sign up to join your mailing list, generate leads for blog post updates, shoppers coupon dispersion and more.
Customization Available:
Layout Options: Inline, Stacked, Compact
Placement: Within page body, as a popup, OR fixed to bottom of page