
The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.

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Safe to use. May cause a minor drop in performance.
Support Scope:

Supported – Installation, troubleshooting and, technical support IS provided.

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The Events Calendar plugin allows you to create and manage a calendar of events on your website, allowing management of both in-person or virtual events.  The Events Calendar Pro in GD Core contains the plugin’s full functionality, however, you must have the basic version installed and active to use any of the PRO features or any of the extensions.

The PRO version provides a detailed and more hands-on event managing interface with options to add recurring events, venues, organizers and locations as taxonomies in the event database. It also provides the foundation for a more controlled & self-managed ticketing platform if the events tickets extensions are used.

When to Use The Events Calendar

Use The Events Calendar plugin when a customer would like a calendar displayed on their site with a directory of all events added.

Details & Setup

Support & Requirements

Support Scope:

We will install, activate, and configure settings based on the generated PDF worksheet.

Requirements for Setup:

The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.


  1. Go to GD Core > plugins > install/activate the events calendar plugin
  2. Go to dashboard >Events to add an event
  3. By default the calendar will exist on the slug “/events/” so make sure you don’t already have a page set to that name or it will get overwritten
  4. The shortcode for the calendar will not work unless the PRO version is installed See Events Calendar Pro – we include the pro version in WDS premium builds

Functionality Path:

Premium>End User Enhancement>Events and Sign Ups>Events


Reference the link(s) below for how to setup The Events Calendar:

NOTE: By default, the events page is an archive and should be built/modified using an archive themer layout as opposed to a page.

Use Case(s): Events

Support Scope:

Supported Plan(s):



Related Features:

Supported Feature requests require a PDF Worksheet be generated using the Functionality Form, and the PDF Worksheet must be added to the project.

Functionality Path:
Premium>End User Enhancement>Events and Sign Ups>Events