Shipping Packages for WooCommerce arranges products, based on Group By rules, into packages. Each package will have it’s own shipping method selection in the cart and checkout pages. You can also limit which shipping methods can be used for packages with different shipping classes.
The Build team does not add, adjust or make changes to payment, shipping and tax functionalities. Please review the Woo Payments, Shipping & Taxes – Set up guide for further information.
When to Use Shipping Packages for WooCommerce
Shipping Packages for WooCommerce is an Unsupported plugin that can be used when a customer requests the ability to ship products using a different shipping method for each product or group of products.
Details & Setup
Support & Requirements
Support Scope:
Shipping Packages for WooCommerce has been tested approved for use on WDS sites but is an Unsupported plugin. Installation, troubleshooting and, technical support is not provided for this plugin.
Requirements for Setup:
The Build team does not add, adjust or make changes to payment, shipping and tax functionalities. Please review the Woo Payments, Shipping & Taxes – Set up guide for further information.
The Build team does not add, adjust or make changes to payment, shipping and tax functionalities. Please review the Woo Payments, Shipping & Taxes – Set up guide for further information.
Reference the link(s) below for how to setup Shipping Packages for WooCommerce: