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WooCommerce Additional Variation Images
Added: January 12, 2022
| Active
WooCommerce Additional Variation Images allows you to add additional gallery images per variation.
360º Image
Added: January 10, 2022
| Active and Supported
An easy way to add a dynamic, controllable 360º image rotation to your WooCommerce site, by adding a group of images to a product’s gallery.
Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce
Added: February 16, 2021
| Retired and Unsupported
This plugin has been retired from the WDS offerings and replaced by WooCommerce Additional Variation Images. The customer account will need to be upgraded to Managed WooCommerce to get this functionality.
Variation Swatches and Photos
Added: December 2, 2020
| Active
Using color and image swatches provides a much nicer way to display variations of a product, available styles, available sizes, or pretty much anything else you can display using an image or color.