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Display Videos
There are a couple different options available to place videos on a site. The “video module” allows a self-hosted video to be chosen with the options for “auto play”, “loop” and to upload a fallback image or poster. Only .mp4 format videos should be uploaded. The “embed” function inherits the styling, and fonts from the site that hosts the video, and therefore cannot be altered unless they allow customization on their end.
Showcase your content beautifully in professional device frames. Users love to see how your content will look on various devices.
Available devices: Phone, Tablet, Laptop, Desktop, Browser
Color skins: black, silver, white, rose gold, gold and space grey
Content formats: image, video, slider and iframe
Content Ticker
Content tickers are an excellent way to highlight blog posts, promote sales, or any other special feature. The Content Ticker Module is loaded with advanced features and customization options that help you grab visitors’ attention and promote content on your website.