
The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.

SendGrid API Key will be needed.

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Safe to use, minimal to no impact on site performance.
Support Scope:

Supported – Installation, troubleshooting and, technical support IS provided.

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The SendGrid Add-On seamlessly integrates SendGrid with Gravity Forms to allow you to push all of your form notifications directly to the SendGrid API. By using a dedicated email service like SendGrid to send your form notification emails rather than from within your WordPress web server, receiving notifications becomes much more reliable.

When to Use SendGrid Add-On

Use this plugin if specifically requested by a customer who is having trouble with gravity form submissions after all troubleshooting steps have been taken.

Details & Setup

Support & Requirements

Support Scope:

We will install, activate, and configure settings based on the generated PDF worksheet.

Customer must provide API keys and take the reins.

Requirements for Setup:

The Functionality Form must be completed, and the PDF added to the project.

SendGrid API Key will be needed.

More information: Click Here


  1. Download plugin from VPB
  2. Go to: dashboard > plugins > add new > upload
  3. Activate the add-on

Functionality Path:

Premium>Forms>Email Marketing>SendGrid Integration

Use Case(s): Email Marketing

Support Scope:

Supported Plan(s):



Related Features:

Supported Feature requests require a PDF Worksheet be generated using the Functionality Form, and the PDF Worksheet must be added to the project.

Functionality Path:
Premium>Forms>Email Marketing>SendGrid Integration