All Features
Email Subscribe Forms
Allow people to sign up to join your mailing list, generate leads for blog post updates, shoppers coupon dispersion and more.
Customization Available:
Layout Options: Inline, Stacked, Compact
Placement: Within page body, as a popup, OR fixed to bottom of page
Countdown modules are interactive ways to display hype and grab attention. Pair the countdown module with a call-to-action for an upcoming event or for a product sale.
Calls-to-action are important as they let site visitors know what action you’d like them to take when interacting with your site. Buttons can be used to mask an external link or as a call-to-action anywhere on the site. Dual buttons can be used to mask two external links or two call-to-action items in a simple and elegant fashion. The following are examples of call-to-action layouts.