Get real-time rates from the largest shipping network in the US
Show your customers accurate shipping rates automatically with our integration for USPS, the largest delivery network in the United States.
Your store must use US Dollars for its currency and the United States, US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico as the base country. It works with inches (in) and pounds (lbs), but other units can be converted automatically.
USPS Shipping is a premium method that sources shipping rates from the USPS API. Get real-time rates from the largest shipping network in the US. Show your customers accurate shipping rates automatically with our integration for USPS, the largest delivery network in the United States. Your store must use US Dollars for its currency and the United States, US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico as the base country. It works with inches (in) and pounds (lbs), but other units can be converted automatically. USPS calculates quotes worldwide.
We enable it, and configure basic setup – the auto-generated API will show live rates when this shipping method is applied.
Usage Requirements:
- Your store must use US Dollars as its currency
- Server must have SimpleXML installed (we have this in managed WP)
- Base country must be the United States, Puerto Rico or US Virgin Islands
- The extension primarily works with measurements in Inches (in) and weight in Pounds (lbs), but other units can be converted automatically.
This plugin will be enabled and used as the default shipping method for WooCommerce sites that meet the above requirements. Customer configures it further if they want to add additional shipping rates or modify settings.
The Build team does not add, adjust or make changes to payment, shipping and tax functionalities. Please review the Woo Payments, Shipping & Taxes – Set up guide for further information.